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Tuesday, July 19, 2011


This bar had 87 beers on draft. Uh, beer heaven? Why, yes! A super cool chill place, too. I met some cool fellas outside, one of them showed me a bad ass drum solo on youtube by a 12 year old kid. They ended up buying me a beer, one of which I was really hoping to try, 512 Pecan Porter. I’m gonna go ahead and say that this is my favorite beer I was able to try in Austin.
512 PECAN PORTER - A deep, dark, almost black beer. Rich and flavorful. Amazing, almost smoky, sweet aroma. Pecan flavor is absolutely evident. There are notes of coffee, also lots of mild chocolate flavor. I actually had a few of these while I was in Texas - it’s that amazing of a beer!
JESTER KING WYTCHMAKER RYE IPA - This IPA is brewed with rye, which happens to compliment the hop flavors extremely well. It’s a medium bodied, smooth beer with notes of grapefruit and other fruity flavors. Also noticed some notes of pine flavor. Copper in color, with a standard IPA aroma. I really enjoyed this - I was glad the bartender recommended it to me!!

LIVE OAK HEFEWEIZEN - This beer itself was pleasant and enjoyable - it was a very light, cloudy lemony color. Not much on the front of head retention - it all seemed to dissolve away pretty quickly. It had a good flavor, with notes of clove, some other spices, lots of wheat flavor, and even some fruit notes at the finish. It had a nice, light body, and lots of carbonation. It was drinkable and refreshing.

The Ginger Man is my new favorite bar. I wish I could live there! The bar itself is loaded with sofas, tables, only a couple of tvs thankfully, and lots of good conversation. I’m so glad I made it over there!

1 comment:

  1. Oh yeah I love the Ginger Man. Are you talking about the one in Austin or one of the others? I was at the one in Austin just today and I had a pint of that Live Oak Hefeweizen. I was a little underwhelmed; I love their amber and it set my expectations pretty high but this weizen was kinda so-so. That Pecan Porter, now, I had it a couple weeks ago for the first time and that's a pretty good one! If you're interested, check out Barley Buddy for my review of the Live Oak Hefeweizen or the 512 Pecan Porter is also doing pretty good with 7 positive ratings.
