Disclaimer: By reading this blog, you may be subjected my ideas of what is "cool", stupid things that I want, obnoxious comments I may make about any given number of things, or deranged thoughts that creep out of my awkward brain. Just letting you know ahead of time.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Overnight Sty Relief

Over the course of my 23 years, I have been a victim of the common sty a handful of times. It's an irritating red bump that appears right along the line of your eye lashes, on the top or bottom lid. A sty is an infection of a gland in your eyelid. They look something like this:

Fucking gross, right? What kind of person wants to run around with something like this on their face all day, for DAYS? I remember, the first time I got one, I had no idea what had happened. I went to the ophthalmologist and he prescribed an ointment, and when I got to the pharmacy, it was $50! I refused the prescription and went to my next (and always greatest) source, my momma. She recommends taking a Q-Tip, dipping it into Johnson's Baby Soap, and running it along the lash line. This will clean the area and in turn help with the infection!