Disclaimer: By reading this blog, you may be subjected my ideas of what is "cool", stupid things that I want, obnoxious comments I may make about any given number of things, or deranged thoughts that creep out of my awkward brain. Just letting you know ahead of time.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Rebirth of Saturday

I was recently awarded Saturdays off....this past weekend was my first week of having Friday and Saturday off work. I documented a bit of our day with photos....My boyfriend and I love going to garage sales...and we saw some pretty interesting things!

All these unique items were spotted at a garage sale on Mandeville Street. It was at an old firehouse that was originally a horse-drawn carriage fire house! How neat is that?! I have to wonder about the doll babies eyes, though....that must've been one angry child...


This photo was snapped at Inferno Art Gallery at 3000 Royal Street.

We stopped over at K-Doe's Mother-in-Laws Lounge because they are closing for good. So sad to see them go...but we got some good deals over there! Check out the EXTREMELY creepy wax version of K-Doe....talk about weird. And that little red cart now resides in my house, after a bit of cleaning up...It's just to die for! 

Our night ended with bicycle ride across the river, via the Algiers Ferry, to see the first Christmas Bonfire since Hurricane Katrina. It was my first Christmas bonfire, too. It was so much fun. I couldn't help but laugh as I said, "Santa's burning up in the fire!!" while little children passed by. I heard them painfully say, "Saaannnttaaa?" BAHAHAHAHA


  1. i just realized i could comment on your blog! sweet deal! i love these pictures you posted. i love being able to to tune in and see what you're up to.
    <3 tyler

  2. haha oh and ps i have a new blog in the works too that was top secret, but come to find out i had to reveal it in order to leave the previous comment. oops!

  3. Lady! I had no idea you'd been commenting. I'm so glad you enjoy my blog! I hope you will share yours with me when you get it all in working order! :)
